
Dental Inlays

Dental inlays are used to fill cavities with a solid substance, like porcelain or gold, for long-lasting results to save decaying and damaged teeth.

If you have serious cavity issues with your teeth that cause you discomfort or distress, you have several options. One of the best is dental inlays. Dental inlays are better than fillings as they last longer and are less prone to decay. They also have a more natural look. This treatment is designed specifically for cases where the integrity of the tooth is compromised or part of it is missing.

At the Washington Center for Dentistry, the skilled dentists use a solid substance such as porcelain or gold to fill the cavities. These substances are far stronger than traditional filling material reducing your stress and eliminating the need to return for at least 10 years. The inlay is fitted into the tooth cavity and cemented there making it firm and long lasting. All our inlays are developed in-house at the Washington Center. 



There are two types of inlays available for your tooth cavity: direct and indirect. Direct inlays are installed quickly, they are made up and placed presently into the cavity, a mold is not required for a direct inlay. Indirect inlays are slightly different. For these a mold of the tooth is taken and a more precise inlay is made in the dental lab. Indirect inlays take slightly longer to create and install but overall both processes are faster than before thanks to advances in technology.

If you are confused about what inlays to take for you tooth cavity consult with one of our in-house experts. They will assess the condition of your tooth and recommend an appropriate inlay based on how severe the erosion is and how much of the tooth remains. You may be surprised by the findings, it’s actually possible to save a tooth you thought was beyond repair.  



Do you have a toothache or a cavity you think needs attention? Don’t wait for it to get any worse or go to a dentist with inferior technology or resources. At the Washington Center we give you a professional consultation to determine the extent of the damage and the best treatment for your needs. If you need a dental inlay you will be advised of what type you need by experienced professionals. 

The Washington Center for Dentistry provides oral care, including dental inlays, and is responsible for the restoration of countless mouths. We operate a professional and technologically advanced dental center in Washington D.C. We look forward to welcoming you to our treatment center and watching you leave with a shining smile. 



Amalgam fillings are the traditional silver ones used for years by dentists worldwide but they are being replaced by dental inlays. This is not surprising as there are several advantages to inlays over amalgam fillings. Firstly, inlays match neighbouring teeth more effectively and you don’t have any silver in your teeth. Overall they are more natural looking.

Secondly, inlays are more durable and longer lasting. Amalgam fillings have a set purpose. They are made to fill a cavity hole in a tooth and provide the users with functionality, but inlays go further. Inlays are designed to protect the tooth and chewing surface to provide functionality and long life. With inlays, you can confidently eat what you like without any concern for your inlay.


If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Ealing, West London our friendly state-of-the-art clinic can help. Our goal at SSS Ealing Dental and Skin clinic is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes.

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