dental Examinations in Ealing

Examinations in Ealing

Dental examinations are thorough assessments of a patient’s mouth to spot and address any dental issues and prevent decay and damage from occurring.

With dental examinations, our talented dentists in Ealing, West London will conduct an assessment of a patient’s mouth in order to address any issues or concerns that you may have. The Examinations in Ealing will take place with care and attention to detail to ensure that the appropriate course of treatment or advice will be administered. Visiting the dental clinic in Ealing regularly can help you to maintain good dental health and hygiene for longer and avoid long term issues that could affect your health orally or in your body.

Some might say that the mouth is the window to your body’s health. A lot of your oral health can be linked to your overall health as it can provide important clues to determine if something isn’t right. Another thing to consider is if there’s anything wrong within your mouth, it can affect the rest of your body, such as an infection. Everything is connected. 

Gum disease is often a factor that can go ignored for sometime, but it can be linked to other areas of your body. General oral health should become a priority and regular dental check-ups can identify any issues you could have. 


Oral Health Linked to Heart Disease

  • Poor oral health and cardiovascular conditions are often linked.
  • The relationship between gum disease and heart disease can happen when small amounts of bacteria enter your bloodstream. This can be done through chewing. 
  • The “bad bacteria” from the infection can lodge inside blood vessels. This can cause blockages. 
  • Research suggests that action taken with gum disease can help reduce your chances of developing heart disease. 


Oral Health Linked to Diabetes

  • There is a strong connection between oral health and patients developing diabetes..
  • Inflammation in the mouth appears to weaken the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels.
  • People with diabetes have trouble processing sugar because of a lack of insulin.
  • Gum disease does additional harm because the inflammation lowers the body’s ability to use insulin.
  • Controlling gum disease can make it easier to control diabetes.


Oral Health Link to Pregnancy

  • The fluctuating hormones in pregnancy often cause gum infections in pregnant women.
  • Dentists try to encourage women who are pregnant to pay close attention to their oral health. This is because gum disease or inflammation in the mouth can possibly trigger a chemical that induces early labour.
  • There can be a connection between gum disease, preterm birth and low birth weight.


Examinations in Ealing

Modern dentistry has changed somewhat and there can be an overall holistic approach to patients’ health and wellbeing. Your dentist will be able to identify gum disease or any other factors relating to your oral health and provide you with the best course of treatment and action. During your examination with a dentist they will:

  • Address even moderate inflammation or bleeding in the mouth.
  • Consider inflammation and bleeding as infection in the mouth.
  • View infection in the mouth, such as gum disease, as possibly related to problems in other areas of the body and provide information on what you should do next.


If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Ealing, West London our friendly state-of-the-art clinic can help. Our goal at SSS Ealing Dental and Skin clinic is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes.

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