
Root Canal in Ealing

A root canal procedure addresses the tooth’s pulp and nerve and is performed on an infected tooth to prevent chronic pain and possible tooth loss.

One reason dentists have such a bad reputation is because of a procedure called “root canal.” The root of the tooth is the area inside that contains the pulp and the nerve. Sometimes the tooth becomes infected and might require root canal treatment to alleviate symptoms or any long term issues. These might include chronic pain or tooth loss. 

If you have symptoms such as localized toothache, prolonged tooth sensitivity, swelling of the gums around a tooth, an abscess or pimple on the gums around a specific tooth and/or darkening of a tooth, you may have an infected tooth that requires root canal treatment. At the Washington Center of Dentistry our qualified professionals will make the best judgement.



When you present at the Washington DC dental office with symptoms consistent with root canal issues, you will be required to attend the surgery on two occasions. On your first visit a small access hole will be drilled into the infected tooth. This will allow dentists to insert tiny files to clean out the tooth, there may be debris or infection. The tooth will also be flushed with sodium chloride to wash out any lurking infection. 

On your second visit the access hole will be sealed if the dentists are convinced that the infection has been eradicated. However, in the event that the infection is serious you will be given medication. This medication will be placed into the tooth and you will have to wait up to 7 days for the hole to be sealed. In both instances a dental crown must be installed to protect the infected tooth.



You may have the painful signs of root canal infection in your tooth but be unwilling to attend a dental office for assistance. This is not surprising. Root canal treatment has a bad reputation and It’s the procedure everyone fears when attending the dentist. At the Washington Center of Dentistry, however, we can reassure you, the procedure is quite different from what it once was. 

These days root canal treatment uses the latest technologies combined with caring and compassionate staff who have your comfort in mind. Today’s root canal treatment is non-invasive and routine. We can eradicate infection from your mouth without the excruciating pain. Our goal at the Washington Dental Center is to treat your tooth without pain, worry, or fear. Contact us today for more information.



When people think of root canal treatment they think of the cliche dentists chair, a man in a white coat, and screams of agonising pain. It’s unlikely this was ever a reality, but the image sticks. On the contrary, today’s dental treatments for root canal are as simple and routine as a filling or crown. 

When you attend our center for root canal treatment you will be in safe and trusted hands. You will sit in the dentist chair and communicate with a qualified professional who has your best interests at heart. It’s unlikely you will feel any discomfort from this procedure, but if you do, sedation options are available. 


If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Ealing, West London our friendly state-of-the-art clinic can help. Our goal at SSS Ealing Dental and Skin clinic is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes.

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