Tooth Decay And Cavities In Ealing

Tooth decay and cavities in Ealing

Tooth decay and cavities can cause pain and lead to tooth loss, but can be prevented or treated through preventative, and/or restorative procedures.

Many of us are aware of tooth decay and cavities. We understand the importance of avoiding getting “holes” in our teeth. But few of us realise that this is a condition known as  caries, and is actually very preventable. Tooth decay and cavities in Ealing are common, but you can do more to prevent this happening. So what is tooth decay? Tooth decay happens when sugars and starches in foods get left on teeth and from a sticky film called plaque. It combines with the mouth’s bacteria and this combination is the culprit that produces acids that cause damage to the outer enamel layer of teeth. Visiting a dentist in Ealing for regular check-ups can help to avoid this from happening and they can also provide treatment for any damage already done. 

What are the risk factors of getting tooth decay and cavities?

The choices you make with your diet and other oral hygiene practices can be your two major defences against tooth decay. A healthy diet and good eating habits along with good dental hygiene can keep tooth decay at bay. Avoiding high sugary drinks and foods should become part of your normal routine. There are other factors that you may not be aware of. Here are some of them: 

  • Bacteria live in the mouths of all of us. So, no one is exempt from risk when it comes to tooth decay.
  • A high-carb and high-sugar diet raises risk for anyone.
  • Living in a community with un-fluoridated water leaves people vulnerable to tooth decay.
  • People with fillings and crowns and other dental restorations are at risk since bacteria gather around the restorations and provide a higher chance of developing decay.

The best prevention techniques and advice

There are certain things that patients can do to reduce, or altogether prevent, the occurrence of tooth decay and cavities.

  • Flossing and brushing daily is the gold standard when it comes to preventing cavities to remove build-up and debris between the teeth.
  • Fluoride, a natural substance, also helps to remineralize tooth structure and to rebuild early damage caused by plaque bacteria. 
  •  Maintain a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods.
  • Avoid starchy foods and drinks high in sugar.
  • Visit the dentist for regular hygiene visits.
  • Mouthwash can help reduce plaque.

The best advice is to try and avoid tooth decay and cavities becoming an issue. A dentist can help identify this at the early stages so regular check-ups with your dentist in Ealing is essential.

It is more common than we realise

Tooth decay and cavities are one of the most common dental problems that patients experience. It can be unsightly as well as painful. Professionals in our Ealing dental clinic will be able to provide you with education, advice and also dental hygiene appointments to prevent decay from occurring. If you are already struggling with tooth decay and cavities they can provide you with effective treatments. The earlier you combat the signs of tooth decay and cavities, the better chance you have of resolving it and restoring good dental health and hygiene in your mouth. 


If you’re looking for a trusted, well respected and highly experienced private dentist in Ealing, West London our friendly state-of-the-art clinic can help. Our goal at SSS Ealing Dental and Skin clinic is to provide the highest standards of dental care in a manner tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes.


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